Help for common issues with Alicia Online

Help for two common issues with Alicia Online

Hello! I downloaded Alicia Online again a while ago, and ran in to some common issues with the game. I tried to find some help for these issues, but i found no answers as to how to fix the problems. So I am here to help you! These issues and fixes are ONLY FOR WINDOWS as far as I know. Sorry if you're having problems on another platform.

1st problem

So the first problem I'm going to go over is: NTLEAS detect that the given is an invalid pe file. This message will pop up right before getting in to the game, after logging in. This one is probably the most annoying, since there's no solutions for it on the internet. This problem usually comes up on newer installations of windows.

How to fix it

The fix is quite simple, really. The error pops up, because AO was made in a korean environment, which your computer is not in. To fix the error, you have to press your windows button, type in control panel, and change the locale to Korea. This won't change the language of your computer or modify it in any way, at least for me. After that, restart your computer. If the error still pops up, reinstall the game. That should fix your problem. 

2nd problem

The second problem is the NSIS error. This will pop up when you're trying to open the installer of Alicia Online. I'm not quite sure why this error occurs, it has something to do with broken/corrupted game files. But the problem has a fast and easy way to fix it.

How to fix it

There's two ways to get rid of this problem. The first way is to do the same as with the first error, so change your system locale to Korea, and redownload the installer. If this doesn't work, like it didn't for me, I'll explain the other option you have. So first, locate where the installer is on your computer. For me, it was inside the ''recent'' folder. Once you find where the installer is, you have to move it to a C: folder. C: folder means a folder inside your local disk, which should show up on the left bar of your files. Then, the game should normally install itself once you click it. :)

I hope these explanations helped, and if you have any futher problems or want to ask something, please feel free to email me: If I don't get back to you, or don't know the answer to your problem, I suggest contacting the team of AO on facebook. The answe might come a little late, but it sure is worth a shot!
